Monday, December 19, 2005

Its Horrible but I relized something

Me and my freind Mike went to his house today after class. Did some bong hit's, Oprah was on, nothing special. Than I thought.

Wait a minute. Al Queda (Osama and them) are:


There censervitive. OMG. Like everyone get in line, do this, do our religion, or get killed, ie. censervative. Like the goveronment is Big Brother to make everyone do certian things: ie. censervative. (I mean I'm not trying to juge there religion or culture, jsut saying... Plus I'm sure there alot nicer to poor people then are censervatives.

Still basacly there Just like are censervatives. Al Queda and them. Shooting at women, ect.

There just having there war to see who get's to be the big cheese is all.

You of all been tricked. This is to (the Iraq war ect) see who will be the big cheese to win and be the govronment to boss everyone around.

It's much much worse then I thought folk's.

When I relized this I had to just go outside, I was like wo, this is relly relly bad.


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